Thursday, September 20, 2007

An artists take on

Artflock is an online gallery for artists and art buyers. They are UK based but don't let that scare you. The site is primarily made for a UK audience but it also has a growing number of international and US artists and buyers. The site is professional looking, and feels like a place you feel comfortable purchasing from. The artwork selection is varied from amateur to professional work but there are some fantastic artists like Pete Nawara (I'd really love to do a collaborative work with him).

The site launched in May 2007, and even though the site is relatively new it has attracted a strong and wide selection of artwork. To date paintings and jewelry have been the biggest sellers, but being a young site that could be open to evolution.

The home page features top rated artwork by visitors and a promotion for a spotlighted artist. I think it's nice but I'd like to see the promoted artist rotate out a bit more frequently. Also the top rated art doesn't change enough for repeat visitors - I might reduce the size of this and offer up other featured artwork.

My wishlist for this site would be a better way to search - maybe a parametric search widget or something else. I also wish the site was a little more US friendly (I really hate converting inches to cm manually). I love the color green, but personally I like a neutrally colored site so the art pops off the page more. The site also feels a little too quiet and serene - there's some action in the blog, but I'd love to get the skinny on the UK art scene, hot emerging artists, competitions, art raves or other events, maybe drum up more community interaction like Etsy. I really think sites like this can use their voice to help drive buzz and awareness around emerging artists. Overall I'd like this site to feel more like an event or a scene rather than a catalog - kind of like And I think that kind of stuff is on Artflock's radar.

Like any of these sites, browse around a little and make sure it's a good fit for you. But I think ArtFlock is definitely one to start getting involved in.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

An Artists Perspective on Selling Art Online

I get a few questions every day asking about tips for selling art online. I'm flattered that people think I've got it all figured out. I've put together this recap of my experiences and take on the online artist scene for fellow artists to navigate some of the choices they have.

Even though there are many sites listed here it isn't a complete list, and this is only from my experience as an illustrator and painter. Photographers or artists in different disciplines might have different experiences and suggestions. So please feel free to chime in with your experiences.

Enough with the disclaimers....
I started with ArtistRising a few years ago when I found out that you can get your work published on and their other related sites. I've sold a few pieces since then. Obviously if you think about the customers going to, the market is for posters - it doesn't really attract art collectors. So it's not for every artist. I think photographers might have a better shot here. ArtistRising is also going through a great deal of transition and turmoil. There's a lot of angry and jaded artists and photographers on their forums. So I'd wait until the dust settles here.
Imagekind is a great way to get nice giclee or canvas prints of your work made. And if you sell work through Imagekind you can get a piece of the action on the print and the framing. Sounds like a sweet deal. And I have had a few sales here but mostly from current fans of my work that I directed there. I think there's way too much content there to get much exposure now. In my experience, it feels like a community of artists looking at and commenting on each others work, but few customers. I think the website needs to be redesigned to surface more new work, and do a better job of providing exposure. They also need to drop the traditional art posters or move it to another site it's just a mess of options that cannibalize traffic to their artists. If you're lucky enough to get featured on the home page you have a chance to be successful. The homepage featured work is selected by a curator which is nice, but I think this should also be a paid placement scenario where an artist could pay $1 or something and get one work featured for a day. It would help the artist, and create more revenue for Imagekind. Imagekind has several different subscription models - there may be more success at the Premium levels, but I'd be more likely to try this if Imagekind was showing any glimmer of creating business for me in the first place. My big problem is that they seem to be operating like they still only have 100 artist contributors, they have grown to thousands and haven't evolved the web site or the business model enough. Right now I just use Imagekind for producing prints that I sell at shows in the real world. I really do like Imagekind, but I think they're grown too big to be a adaptive for the artist community.
There are definitely some artists finding success here - mostly painters from what I've seen so far. I don't think the site is very attractive, it feels clunky working with it, and doesn't represent work especially well. There's also no way to view statistics either. But I do like their homepage paid promotional model so anyone can feature their work for $1. And they seem to have figured out a way to draw customers, and some artists are selling work. So it's worth checking out.
A great site for crafters or makers of handmade art. The site looks wonderful and everyone on the message boards is really friendly. You can create an attractive storefront or showcase of your work fairly easily. But I don't think their promotional model for new work is great - one day twice a month promotion slots go up for sale and they sell out in about 10 minutes. It's just not a smart way to do business. And I wish you had more control over the store design. But if you're looking for a quick way to make a storefront Etsy might be a good alternative. It will be up to you to promote yourself and drive customers there. You can visit me there at for an example storefront.
Zazzle is a place to sell your work in a variety of formats including posters, t-shirts, mousepads, mug, etc. I know, this site isn't for every artist but some are realizing some success there. Zazzle also suffers from the Imagekind bloated content problem, but they aren't sitting around scratching their heads. I just spoke with Zazzle today and they have some big changes coming that will help segregate amateur from professional artist/designer content, improved storefronts and more. It sounds like they are trying to change the paradigm of the site from soccer-mom making t-shirts, to more professional designs and art being available, or at least giving both of those contributors a better experience. Stay tuned. And check my storefront at
ArtBreak is the new kid on the block. The site is in beta and allows artists to get exposure and sell their work. Right now I think the focus is to build their selection of artists and artwork. They've already attracted some great artists like Mark Johnson, Andrea Heimer, Ray McDaniel, James Presley, Aaron Brick, and other very talented artists. I'm not sure what the future holds for this site. I'm really hoping ArtBreak can change the online paradigm here. It's small and nimble enough to learn from other web sites mistakes and create a truly innovative space for artists. I think ArtBreak needs to make a choice soon though. I see an opportunity for this site to be the KING of artist communities with content about being a successful artist, artist interviews, tips from gallery curators and owners, a centralized place to find EVERY juried competition and show, hosting artist portfolio sites, and everything else the aspiring or artist looking to grow might be looking for. Alternately, they could also go down the online gallery/commerce road - but I think that growth needs to be sculpted like a bonsai instead of the random organic growth that happens with most web sites. I think in this scenario ArtBreak could be the place where artists could get their big break to get into national galleries, media + press, etc - but this would take alot of handshaking and cocktails in the real world to build those relationships and opportunities for artists. I think there is defintely a sweet spot for ArtBreak to live up to their name and become the American Idol of the online artist communities, so I for one am definitely tuned in and watching them. You can visit me on ArtBreak at .
Matchup offers everything from paintings to jewelry. After the home page the site looks terrible like it came out of a can. There appears to be some sales, but not sure if they are actually selling, or artists are just pulling out. I don't know enough about them and I can't tell if there's activity behind the scenes. They mention cash awards and competitions. So I'm just waiting and watching.
Basically mySpace for artists. The site reminds me of Facebook a little. There's a nice gallery features and some type of selling for artists is coming, and they have some juried contests. Seems pretty solid so far. Not sure what the non-artist audience is like though. Stay tuned for more later...
This company is less about community and more about showcasing your work. Depending on how much you're willing to spend, FolioLink can set you up with a really professional looking portfolio web site. You still have to do your own promotion to get the visitors, but your new portfolio site really can showcase your art well. FolioLink really does the best job of bridging that emotional connection to artwork online. I think they really understand that your art is hero of the show, so the web site interface is very minimal. And you can show large images of your work which almost give the impression of being there.

More reviews on these sites soon:

Personal Wishlist
Wrapping it up, here is my wishlist for online artist sites, or what I would be focusing on if I ran these companies:

1. Give consumers fewer choices. Sounds weird right? Imagine a customer visiting your web site looking for a single piece of art and being given 30,000 to 100,000 items to choose from. It just isn't reasonable. People don't have that much time or patience. I think online sites should break apart and specialize (abstract, realism, whatever) since most buyers are likely specialized in their tastes. Either branch out into mini web-sites or clearly channel people up front so they only are exposed to what is relevant to them.

2. Select what art gets published on the site, or segregate published art better. Since most of the sites are open to submissions from anyone, the quality can be erratic, searching for good work can take a long time. I've personally clicked through page after page of someone's pet and the 57 variations of it with different Photoshop effects they just learned. The ideal solution would be a parametric search for art where visitors can select based on price, style, artist experience, ratings, etc - and dynamically get personalized results. I'm sure art buyers would be thrilled. I can't figure out why anyone isn't doing this yet.

3. Keep the artists interested and involved on the site. This might include a dashboard view of their inventory - the number of visits to their pieces, feedback from visitors, ratings, etc. Content including advice from top selling artists on the site. Solict their involvement in contributing articles, coaching other artists, etc. Or provide account staff to counsel artists on presenting and promoting their work on the site.

4. Provide valued added services. Curator advice on what work of yours they see as marketable and how to fine tune your individuality and persona. Tools and ideas to create buzz and word of mouth. Personalized service.

5. Provide a chance to win. Nearly every artist dreams of making it big. Either be a centralized place to find all the opportunities available for artists such as juried competitions and shows, or create new opportunites for them.

In the end, whichever business can truly make artists successful (more awareness, income, etc) online will be the winner. Like any internet business, being successful isn't about merely replicating what real world business do, but innovating the business and experience online.

Check out my retro modern abstract paintings at